Lux: SSO through SAML


You can enable SSO with your identity management system through the SAML 2.0 protocol. Hasura Pro is a SAML 2.0 compliant service provider.

SSO Demo


Configuring the identity provider

Create a new service provider on your SAML identity provider with the following configuration:

  1. Configure the ACS URL, Entity ID, Recipient and Audience to be the lux callback URL.

    1. For path based deployments (global.subDomain: false), the lux callback URL is https://<LUX_DOMAIN>/auth/saml/callback.
    2. For sub-domain based deployments (global.subDomain: true), the lux callback URL is https://auth.<LUX_DOMAIN>/saml/callback.
  2. Set the NameID format to email address.

Once created, note the metadata in XML format. Dynamic metadata through IdP metadata URL is also supported.

Configuring lux as the service provider

  1. Ensure the configs.authMethods is set to saml in the overrides file / configmap.

  2. If you require SAML AuthN requests to be signed, configure the auth service with a keypair, steps

  3. Insert a row in the saml_idp table in lux database to add the IdP configuration to lux. Go to https://data.<LUX_DOMAIN> and run the following mutation from the console:

    mutation insertSamlIdp {
      insert_saml_idp_one (
        object: {
          domain: "",
          idp_metadata_xml: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"xml>\n<md:EntityDescr...."
          provider: "okta"
    	  disable_request_signing: false
      ) {


  • domain: Domain tied to the email address of the users using SSO. If the emails of the users are tied to more than one domain, make the same mutation multiple times while changing the domain value.
  • idp_metadata_xml: Metadata of your identity provider in XML format. If you want to configure the metadata through a dynamic URL, you can keep this field empty and enter the metadata URL in the idp_metadata_url field.
  • provider: The name of this identity provider
  • disable_request_signing: Set this field to true if you want the SAML assertion request to be un-signed. (Default value is false)

Caveats and limitations

  1. Only SP initiated flow is supported i.e. you can’t have a Launch button in your IdP dashboard to launch the project dashboard.
  2. Session expiry time is currently not configurable.
  3. Single logout is currently not supported.
  4. Once SSO is enabled for an org, it is enforced for that org. This means, if an org is enabled for SSO, the emails from that org cannot use any other login mechanism such as google, github or email.
  5. Currently, only SAML with HTTP Post binding is supported.